June 13, 2010

Beach Retreat 2010

Last week was our High School Beach Retreat. I really love Beach Retreat because we see God do awesome things in the lives of students every year. But this year seemed very unique. There was a different spirit about Beach Retreat this year. Our students came with a unique anticipation. There was a unique feel of community about the week. And I think God's Spirit worked in a unique, life-altering (and ministry altering) way.
I'm not sure I know how to explain it, and I'm not sure I know what it will look like, but just 2 days back, I think we're already seeing things happen like never before.... I'm sure as the weeks pass, God will reveal more of what He has in store, but I can't wait to see where God takes all of the Second Students on this journey!

Here are a few pictures from the week:

January 12, 2010