November 14, 2008

Purple Cows

One blog that I subscribe to - and receive daily updates from - is Mark Batterson's. He is a pastor in D.C. and also is an author. If you haven't picked it up yet, Wild Goose Chase is his newest book and it is a must read. Recently, he made a post called Purple Cows. In part of it he says:

"One of my favorite marketing books is Purple Cow by Seth Godin. The book revolves around this metaphor: if you've seen one brown cow you've seen them all. But a purple cow, now that would catch your attention. One statement in the book has profound implications: "If you aren't remarkable you're invisible."

Every church needs to paint itself purple. I'm not talking about gimmicks. I'm not talking about being different for difference sake. I'm talking about making such a remarkable difference in our communities that we are unignorable."

Never thought I'd want to be purple until today...

November 6, 2008

Sexy Shows and Students

This is an interesting article from the Chicago Sun Times...

November 3, 2008
By Monifa Thomas

Health Reporter

Parents who think there's too much sex on TV have good reason to be concerned, groundbreaking new research suggests.

Teens who watch television shows that have a lot of sexual content are more likely to become pregnant -- or to get someone pregnant -- by the time they turn 20, according to a study in the journal Pediatrics.....

click here to read the rest of the article